Friday 18 May 2012

Debate Transcript - "Women Are Better Designer Than Men"

Topic : Women Are Better Designer Than Men
1st Speaker for the Negative team
Theme Line : Men Are Better Designer Than Women

Assalamualaikum to all my Muslim Course mates and a very Good Evening to Dr. Tan Wee Hoe. Aaahh…..aahhhh My teams strongly disagree with the opposing team’s affirmative topic..aahhhh….we think that…we believe that ahhh Men are better Designer than Women. Before that I would like to introduce ahh my fellow Speaker, my sec..ahh my sec..ehh the second speaker is Muhammad Amirul, he will talk about ahhh personality and emotional as a professional Designer. And the third speaker is Muhammad Nazirul, he wi… Nazirul ? Sorry, Nazirul will speak ehh he will spe..err..he would talk about ahhhh about the brain perspective between Men and Women as a professional Designer. The last speaker…yahh….will talk about the quality of design and summarize all the….points of our negative..topic.

Okay…ahhhhh before that….ahhhh……….if..if design history has thought us anything, that there are more… and designer and artists compared to woman, such as ahhhh….Pablo Picasso, Jay Vigon, Herbert Matter anddd…and the rest wil…haah…and the rest you know eh. But…ahhhh…if you ask…for example if you ask any designer Men or Women alike, who their favourite designer or whoo…who inf…who influence them more ? Chances are….orrr…mor…most of them, if not all, would say a men’s designer name.

Now ahhh….in recent event there is aaa…there is a news about ahh… a..the painting…the most expensive that has been…sol..errh which is ‘The Scream’. ‘The Scream’ is….is erhh…sold…it was sold for one….one hundred twenty million dollars andd….it was made and painted by Edward Munch, which is of course a male artist.

Now…sigh….ahhhhh the opposing team said about, they design more on....because they wear things womanly, things fashion…fashion design..ehh…related to fashion design but…but…ahhh don’t you disagree that most of your fashion…, your cloths and handbags are design by male designer like Valention, Gucci; so…you’re using product that male designer produce.

Another point I would like to point out is that, an advantage to male designer is that we are risk taker….risk taker…so…, women are more…they stay more (mumble)…they…they easily settle down, most easily satisfied with certain things, (sigh) like….like for example ahhhh…….…(silence)……..they tend to….they tend to play it…play it safe, they do not like to take ahhh...risk, compare to guys, who are…tends to have self direction, who want to motivate, better themselves, even though they laz….their lazy but……(laughing)…ahhh but….but the…ahhhh….they are a hunter, they want (laughing a bit )….they want…ehhhh spirit in competition is very high, so they…..from that…..they are…err ahhh……...they risk taker so…without risk there will not be…..there will not be any innovative, without…without innovative there will not be any product…..there would not be any product for you to use any…you…..every product would be mundane and boring…..and….the same ‘lah’…the same.….Thank You.

I find it very weird hearing myself from the recording, for one thing my voice is very low. After hearing the recording, my performance was a lot worse than what I initially thought. The first thing I noticed was I forgot to introduce myself and also to conclude my topic and theme line (I'm not really sure if I should conclude my debate with saying my theme line again). There was a lot of grammatical error mispronunciations and even some misspoken words that could be interpret as different meaning from what I want said or pointed out. There was a lot of ahhhhh.....errrr...also a lot of silence because I was lost on what to say, I guess my nervousness got the best of me (I suck at public speaking). I think I did my best but I really am not satisfied with my performance and I if I could do it all over again, chances are the result would probably be the same, but I'll be damned if didn't try to better my performance if I was given the chance to do it again.

I think my points on the topic of debate was pretty jumble, there was a lot of example I wanted to point out that I couldn't and got lost along the way, for example when I said about "woman are easily satisfied with certain things and play it safe" (the words that I actually want to said but what comes out of my mouth was pretty close), I wanted to give example on my former Senior Designer (who is a woman) at my former work place, who could have become Art Director or more if she was brave enough to take the risk and venture on to other place where she's not comfy with. I also forget to conclude my point a lot of time, for example the scenario, history and recent event, I wanted to point out that a lot of people prefer male Designer's work, and I would also like to point out that Creativity is very Subjective, and off the record my personal feelings on this subject is that gender doesn't matter in terms of creativity, life experience and what we are expose to since we were a child usually plays a part on our creative thinking.

Another mistake I made was on giving out example of artists and designers (which was pointed out by Dr. Tan during the class). I had a hunch that I shouldn't said Pablo Picasso as an example but I was really unsure if I should have said it or not at that time as I wanted to give out example of famous artists and designers (I actually forgot to mention David Carson as an example as it was one of the favorite Designer between our course mates during our Design History Class) But that was the mistake I have made, I should have stick to my hunch and shouldn't have doubt it.

Overall my performance was not really good compare to some of the other speakers in my group (2) and I think I have to improve A LOT to be a better Designer as how can I be a Designer, if couldn’t even present and debate to support my work or belief to other people. I think better preparation and strong belief on the topic at hand could help me improve my performance, and I also have to find a way to overcome my nervousness and stage fright. I have to find a way to speak well and present myself better to other people and not be some kind of joke to them; I don’t want my belief and the things I value to become a joke to other people.

By Muhammad Syauqi Bin Muhammad Sophie (D20111050110)